16-week Ironman training plan
Coach Paul Duncan of QT2 Systems bring you a super simple 16-week Ironman training plan.

This plan is 16 weeks long and will prepare you for an Ironman or other full distance triathlon. It is written using zones derived from heart rate based on percentage of your threshold heart rate.

Minimum training requirements suggested for this plan:
Swim: Able to swim 30 minutes continuously and swimming 6000 yards/week
Bike: Cycling 4+ hours per week
Run: Running at least 3 hours per week comfortably and 65 minutes for a long run.
Related: 15 thoughts when completing an Ironman
Note: Bike and run workouts are mostly written in duration. Swims are written in yardage and have an estimated swim time associated with them. If the swims take you much longer than the estimated duration prescribed, then shorten them to the prescribed duration.
- ZR (RECOVERY) = BELOW 74% of threshold heart rate
- Z1 (Aerobic Endurance Zone) = 74-84% of threshold heart rate
- Z2 (Endurance Tempo Zone) = 85-90% of threshold heart rate
- Z3 (Threshold Tempo Zone) = 90-97% of threshold heart rate
- Z4 (best effort repeats) = Anything above Z3 will be considered Z4 or ‘best effort’
* If you need help determining your threshold heart rate, feel free to contact me at paul@qt2systems.com
Week 1:
(recovery day)
Aerobic Gear Change Swim- 45 minutes
Repeat the following cycle for total duration of swim:
5:00 Freestyle/5:00 pull (no paddles)/ 5:00 pull with paddles/ 5:00 Freestyle w fins
Recovery is the amount of time it takes to swap your gear.
Intensity is your choice, if you feel good, push the pace, if you feel tired, swim easy. Try to finish faster than you started.
Bike: 65 minutes Z1 progression. Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, finish towards the top.
Transition Run: (Start this run within 10 minutes of getting off the bike) 35 minutes’ total. Z1 progression run. Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish towards the top.
Swim: 2000 yards total. Main set = 5×100’s STRONG with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike: 60 minutes Z1 progression ride. Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish towards the top.
Run: 35 minutes (Z1 Progression) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 25 minutes, add in 4×1 minute of 5k paced intervals. Recovery is easy jogging for 1 minute.
Swim: 2000 yards total. Main set = 3×150’s at “perceived race pace” with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike – 3 hour ride (Z1/Z2 progression) – Progress through Z1 throughout the ride. Start at the low end of Z1, finish towards the top.
Run: 1hr, 20min (Progression Run ) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 30 minutes, increase your heart rate to Z2 if you feel good.
Shakeout swim: Optional
Week 2
(recovery day)
Aerobic Gear Change Swim- 45 minutes
Repeat the following cycle for total duration of swim:
5:00 Freestyle/5:00 pull (no paddles)/ 5:00 pull with paddles/ 5:00 Freestyle w fins
Recovery is the amount of time it takes to swap your gear.
Intensity is your choice, if you feel good, push the pace, if you feel tired, swim easy. Try to finish faster than you started.
Bike: 65 minutes @ ZR/Z1 with 5:00 @ TEMPO pace (Zone 2) inserted into the 2nd half of the ride.
Transition Run: (Start this run within 10 minutes of getting off the bike) 35 minutes’ total. Z1 progression run. Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish towards the top.
Swim: 2200 yards’ total. Main set = 8×100’s STRONG with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike: 60 minutes Z1 progression ride. Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish towards the top.
Run: 40 minutes (Z1 Progression) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 25 minutes, add in 4×1 minute of 5k paced intervals. Recovery is easy jogging for 1 minute.
Swim: 2300 yards total. Main set = 3×200’s at “perceived race pace” with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike – 3 hour ride (Z1/Z2 progression) – Progress through Z1 throughout the ride. Complete the last 40 minutes of the ride in your Z2 heart rate zone.
Transition Run: 20 minutes (ZR/Z1 as you feel)
Run: 1hr, 30min (Progression Run ) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 30 minutes, increase your heart rate to Z2 if you feel good.
Shakeout swim: Optional
Week 3
(recovery day)
Aerobic Gear Change Swim- 50 minutes
Repeat the following cycle for total duration of swim:
5:00 Freestyle/5:00 pull (no paddles)/ 5:00 pull with paddles/ 5:00 Freestyle w fins
Recovery is the amount of time it takes to swap your gear.
Intensity is your choice, if you feel good, push the pace, if you feel tired, swim easy. Try to finish faster than you started.
Bike: 70 minutes @ ZR/Z1 with 8:00 @ TEMPO pace (Zone 2) inserted into the 2nd half of the ride.
Transition Run: (Start this run within 10 minutes of getting off the bike) 35 minutes’ total. Z1 progression run. Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish towards the top.
Swim: 2400 yards’ total. Main set = 10×100’s STRONG with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike: 70 minutes Z1 progression ride. Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish towards the top.
Run: 45 minutes (Z1 Progression) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 25 minutes, add in 4×1 minute of 5k paced intervals. Recovery is easy jogging for 1 minute.
Swim:2500 yards’ total. Main set = 3×250’s at “perceived race pace” with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike – 3.5 hour ride (Z1/Z2 progression) – Progress through Z1 throughout the ride. Complete the last 40 minutes of the ride in your Z2 heart rate zone.
Transition Run: 20 minutes (ZR/Z1 as you feel)
Run: 1hr, 45min (Progression Run) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 30 minutes, increase your heart rate to Z2 if you feel good.
Shakeout swim: Optional
Week 4: (Recovery Week)
Bike: 30 minutes EASY (ZR/Z1)
Run: 20:00 EASY Run (in last half of run, add in 3x10seconds of sprint pace efforts with 1 minute of easy running between)
Swim: 1000 yards’ total. Main set = 10×50’s at BEST EFFORT with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike: 30:00 Easy ride (ZR/Z1 as you feel)
Run: 35:00 (Z1 Progression) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1.
Swim: 1000 yards’ total. Main set = 3×200’s at “perceived race pace” with 15-20 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike – 60 minutes easy ZR/Z1 as you feel.
Shakeout swim: Optional
Run: 60minutes (ZR/Z1 as you feel)
Week 5
(recovery day)
Aerobic Gear Change Swim- 60 minutes
Repeat the following cycle for total duration of swim:
5:00 Freestyle/5:00 pull (no paddles)/ 5:00 pull with paddles/ 5:00 Freestyle w fins
Recovery is the amount of time it takes to swap your gear.
Intensity is your choice, if you feel good, push the pace, if you feel tired, swim easy. Try to finish faster than you started.
Bike: 80 minutes @ ZR/Z1 with 2×8:00 TEMPO pace (Zone 2). Recovery is 5:00 @ ZR/Z1 as you feel.
Transition Run: (Start this run within 10 minutes of getting off the bike) 40 minutes’ total. Z1 progression run. Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish towards the top.
Swim: 2500 yards’ total. Main set = 12×100’s STRONG with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike: 80 minutes ZR/Z1 with 3×4 minutes @ BEST EFFORT with 3 minutes’ rest between. Include “efforts” in 2nd half of ride, as close to the end as possible.
Run: 50 minutes (Z1 Progression) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 25 minutes, add in 4×1 minute of 5k paced intervals. Recovery is easy jogging for 1 minute.
Swim: 3000 yards’ total. Main set = 4×250’s at “perceived race pace” with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike – 3.5-hour ride (Z1/Z2 progression) – Progress through Z1 throughout the ride. Complete the last 40 minutes of the ride in your Z2 heart rate zone.
Transition Run: 20 minutes (ZR/Z1 as you feel)
Run: 1hr, 45min (Progression Run ) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 30 minutes, increase your heart rate to Z2 if you feel good.
Shakeout swim: Optional
Week 6
(recovery day)
Aerobic Gear Change Swim- 65 minutes
Repeat the following cycle for total duration of swim:
5:00 Freestyle/5:00 pull (no paddles)/ 5:00 pull with paddles/ 5:00 Freestyle w fins
Recovery is the amount of time it takes to swap your gear.
Intensity is your choice, if you feel good, push the pace, if you feel tired, swim easy. Try to finish faster than you started.
Bike: 80 minutes @ ZR/Z1 with 2×10:00 TEMPO pace (Zone 2). Recovery is 5:00 @ ZR/Z1 as you feel.
Transition Run: Start this run within 10 minutes of getting off the bike) 40 minutes’ total. Run the 1st mile at Z2 TEMPO pace. After the first mile, back off the intensity and run the remainder of the run at Z1 heart rate.
Swim: 3000 yards’ total. Main set = 14×100’s STRONG with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike: 80 minutes ZR/Z1 with 3×5 minutes @ BEST EFFORT with 3 minutes’ rest between. Include “efforts” in 2nd half of ride, as close to the end as possible.
Run: 60 minutes (Z1 Progression) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 25 minutes, add in 4×1 minute of 5k paced intervals. Recovery is easy jogging for 1 minute.
Swim: 3000 yards’ total. Main set = 5×200’s at “perceived race pace” with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike – 4-hour ride (Z1/Z2 progression) – Progress through Z1 throughout the ride. Complete the last 40 minutes of the ride in your Z2 heart rate zone.
Transition Run: 25 minutes (ZR/Z1 as you feel)
Run: 1hr, 45min (Progression Run) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 30 minutes, increase your heart rate to Z2 if you feel good.
Shakeout swim: Optional
Week 7
(recovery day)
Aerobic Gear Change Swim- 65 minutes
Repeat the following cycle for total duration of swim:
5:00 Freestyle/5:00 pull (no paddles)/ 5:00 pull with paddles/ 5:00 Freestyle w fins
Recovery is the amount of time it takes to swap your gear.
Intensity is your choice, if you feel good, push the pace, if you feel tired, swim easy. Try to finish faster than you started.
Bike: 85 minutes @ ZR/Z1 with 2×15:00 TEMPO pace (Zone 2). Recovery is 5:00 @ ZR/Z1 as you feel.
Transition Run: Start this run within 10 minutes of getting off the bike) 40 minutes total. Run the 1st mile at Z2 TEMPO pace. After the first mile, back off the intensity and run the remainder of the run at Z1 heart rate.
Swim: 3000 yards’ total. Main set = 16×100’s STRONG with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike: 85 minutes ZR/Z1 with 3×6 minutes @ BEST EFFORT with 3 minutes rest between. Include “efforts” in 2nd half of ride, as close to the end as possible.
Run: 65 minutes (Z1 Progression) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 25 minutes, add in 4×1 minute of 5k paced intervals. Recovery is easy jogging for 1 minute.
Swim: 3000 yards’ total. Main set = 5×200’s at “perceived race pace” with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike – 4.5 hour ride (Z1/Z2 progression) – Progress through Z1 throughout the ride. Complete the last 50 minutes of the ride in your Z2 heart rate zone.
Transition Run: 30 minutes (ZR/Z1 as you feel)
Run: 1hr, 55min (Progression Run ) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 40 minutes, increase your heart rate to Z2 if you feel good.
Shakeout swim: Optional
Week 8: Recovery Week
Bike: 30 minutes EASY (ZR/Z1)
Run: 20:00 EASY Run (in last half of run, add in 3x10seconds of sprint pace efforts with 1 minute of easy running between)
Swim: 1200 yards’ total. Main set = 12×50’s at BEST EFFORT with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike: 30:00 Easy ride (ZR/Z1 as you feel)
Run: 35:00 (Z1 Progression) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1.
Swim: 1200 yards’ total. Main set = 4×200’s at “perceived race pace” with 15-20 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike – 60 minutes easy ZR/Z1 as you feel.
Shakeout swim: Optional
Run: 45 minutes (ZR/Z1 as you feel)
Week 9
(recovery day)
Aerobic Gear Change Swim- 65 minutes
Repeat the following cycle for total duration of swim:
5:00 Freestyle/5:00 pull (no paddles)/ 5:00 pull with paddles/ 5:00 Freestyle w fins
Recovery is the amount of time it takes to swap your gear.
Intensity is your choice, if you feel good, push the pace, if you feel tired, swim easy. Try to finish faster than you started.
Bike: 90 minutes @ ZR/Z1 with 2×15:00 TEMPO pace (Zone 2). Recovery is 5:00 @ ZR/Z1 as you feel.
Transition Run: (Start this run within 10 minutes of getting off the bike) 40 minutes’ total. Run the 1st mile at Z2 TEMPO pace. After the first mile, back off the intensity and run the remainder of the run at Z1 heart rate.
Swim: 3000 yards’ total. Main set = 16×100’s STRONG with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike: 90 minutes ZR/Z1 with 3×6 minutes @ BEST EFFORT with 3 minutes’ rest between. Include “efforts” in 2nd half of ride, as close to the end as possible.
Run: 65 minutes (Z1 Progression) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 25 minutes, add in 4×1 minute of 5k paced intervals. Recovery is easy jogging for 1 minute.
Swim: 3000 yards’ total. Main set = 5×200’s at “perceived race pace” with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike – 4.5-hour ride (Z1/Z2 progression) – Progress through Z1 throughout the ride. Complete the last 50 minutes of the ride in your Z2 heart rate zone.
Transition Run: 30 minutes (ZR/Z1 as you feel)
Run: 1hr, 55min (Progression Run ) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 40 minutes, increase your heart rate to Z2 if you feel good.
Shakeout swim: Optional
Week 10
(recovery day)
Aerobic Gear Change Swim- 75 minutes
Repeat this cycle for total duration of swim.
5:00 Freestyle/5:00 pull (no paddles)/ 5:00 pull with paddles/ 5:00 Freestyle w fins
Recovery is the amount of time it takes to swap your gear.
Intensity is your choice, if you feel good, push the pace, if you feel tired, swim easy. Try to finish faster than you started.
Bike: 90 minutes @ ZR/Z1 with 2×20:00 TEMPO pace (Zone 2). Recovery is 5:00 @ ZR/Z1 as you feel.
Transition Run: (Start this run within 10 minutes of getting off the bike) 45 minutes total. Run the 1st mile at Z2 TEMPO pace. After the first mile, back off the intensity and run the remainder of the run at Z1 heart rate.
Swim: 3000 yards’ total. Main set = 18×100’s STRONG with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike: 90 minutes ZR/Z1 with 3×8 minutes @ BEST EFFORT with 3 minutes’ rest between. Include “efforts” in 2nd half of ride, as close to the end as possible.
Run: 70 minutes (Z1 Progression) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 25 minutes, add in 4×1 minute of 5k paced intervals. Recovery is easy jogging for 1 minute.
Swim: 3000 yards’ total. Main set = 5×250’s at “perceived race pace” with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike – 5-hour ride (Z1/Z2 progression) – Progress through Z1 throughout the ride. Complete the last 55 minutes of the ride in your Z2 heart rate zone.
Transition Run: 40 minutes (ZR/Z1 as you feel)
Run: 2hr 05min (Progression Run) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 40 minutes, increase your heart rate to Z2 if you feel good.
Shakeout swim: Optional
Week 11
(recovery day)
Aerobic Gear Change Swim- 75 minutes
Repeat this cycle for total duration of swim.
5:00 Freestyle/5:00 pull (no paddles)/ 5:00 pull with paddles/ 5:00 Freestyle w fins
Recovery is the amount of time it takes to swap your gear.
Intensity is your choice, if you feel good, push the pace, if you feel tired, swim easy. Try to finish faster than you started.
Bike: 90 minutes @ ZR/Z1 with 2×25:00 TEMPO pace (Zone 2). Recovery is 5:00 @ ZR/Z1 as you feel.
Transition Run: (Start this run within 10 minutes of getting off the bike) 45 minutes total. Run the 1st mile at Z2 TEMPO pace. After the first mile, back off the intensity and run the remainder of the run at Z1 heart rate.
Swim: 3000 yards’ total. Main set = 20×100’s STRONG with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike: 90 minutes ZR/Z1 with 3×10 minutes @ BEST EFFORT with 3 minutes’ rest between. Include “efforts” in 2nd half of ride, as close to the end as possible.
Run: 75 minutes (Z1 Progression) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 25 minutes, add in 4×1 minute of 5k paced intervals. Recovery is easy jogging for 1 minute.
Swim: 3000 yards’ total. Main set = 5×300’s at “perceived race pace” with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike – 6-hour ride (Z1/Z2 progression) – Progress through Z1 throughout the ride. Complete the last 60 minutes of the ride in your Z2 heart rate zone.
Transition Run: 40 minutes (ZR/Z1 as you feel)
Run: 2hr 15min (Progression Run) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 40 minutes, increase your heart rate to Z2 if you feel good.
Shakeout swim: Optional
Week 12: (Recovery Week)
Bike: 40 minutes EASY (ZR/Z1)
Run: 25:00 EASY Run (in last half of run, add in 3x10seconds of sprint pace efforts with 1 minute of easy running between)
Swim: 1200 yards’ total. Main set = 12×50’s at BEST EFFORT with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike: 40:00 Easy ride (ZR/Z1 as you feel)
Run: 45:00 (Z1 Progression) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1.
Swim: 1400 yards’ total. Main set = 5×200’s at “perceived race pace” with 15-20 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike – 70 minutes easy ZR/Z1 as you feel.
Shakeout swim: Optional
Run: 65minutes (ZR/Z1 as you feel)
(recovery day)
Aerobic Gear Change Swim- 75 minutes
Repeat this cycle for total duration of swim.
5:00 Freestyle/5:00 pull (no paddles)/ 5:00 pull with paddles/ 5:00 Freestyle w fins
Recovery is the amount of time it takes to swap your gear.
Intensity is your choice, if you feel good, push the pace, if you feel tired, swim easy. Try to finish faster than you started.
Bike: 90 minutes @ ZR/Z1 with 2×25:00 TEMPO pace (Zone 2). Recovery is 5:00 @ ZR/Z1 as you feel.
Transition Run: (Start this run within 10 minutes of getting off the bike) 45 minutes total. Run the 1st mile at Z2 TEMPO pace. After the first mile, back off the intensity and run the remainder of the run at Z1 heart rate.
Swim: 3000 yards’ total. Main set = 20×100’s STRONG with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike: 90 minutes ZR/Z1 with 3×10 minutes @ BEST EFFORT with 3 minutes’ rest between. Include “efforts” in 2nd half of ride, as close to the end as possible.
Run: 75 minutes (Z1 Progression) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 25 minutes, add in 4×1 minute of 5k paced intervals. Recovery is easy jogging for 1 minute.
Swim: 3000 yards total. Main set = 5×300’s at “perceived race pace” with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike – 6-hour ride (Z1/Z2 progression) – Progress through Z1 throughout the ride. Complete the last 60 minutes of the ride in your Z2 heart rate zone.
Transition Run: 40 minutes (ZR/Z1 as you feel)
Run: 2hr 15min (Progression Run ) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 40 minutes, increase your heart rate to Z2 if you feel good.
Shakeout swim: Optional
Week 14 Taper Weak
(recovery day)
Aerobic Gear Change Swim- 45 minutes
Repeat this cycle for total duration of swim.
5:00 Freestyle/5:00 pull (no paddles)/ 5:00 pull with paddles/ 5:00 Freestyle w fins
Recovery is the amount of time it takes to swap your gear.
Intensity is your choice, if you feel good, push the pace, if you feel tired, swim easy. Try to finish faster than you started.
Bike: 60 minutes @ ZR/Z1 with 2×15:00 TEMPO pace (Zone 2). Recovery is 5:00 @ ZR/Z1 as you feel.
Transition Run: (Start this run within 10 minutes of getting off the bike) 45 minutes total. Run the 1st mile at Z2 TEMPO pace. After the first mile, back off the intensity and run the remainder of the run at Z1 heart rate.
Swim: 2000 yards’ total. Main set = 10×50’s STRONG with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike: 60 minutes ZR/Z1 with 3×5 minutes @ BEST EFFORT with 3 minutes’ rest between. Include “efforts” in 2nd half of ride, as close to the end as possible.
Run: 45 minutes (Z1 Progression) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 25 minutes, add in 5×1 minute of 5k paced intervals. Recovery is easy jogging for 1 minute.
Swim: 2000 yards’ total. Main set = 5x150s at “perceived race pace” with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike – 3-hour ride (Z1/Z2 progression) – Progress through Z1 throughout the ride. Complete the last 60 minutes of the ride in your Z2 heart rate zone.
Transition Run: 30 minutes (ZR/Z1 as you feel)
Run: 1hr 30min (Progression Run) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 40 minutes, increase your heart rate to Z2 if you feel good.
Shakeout swim: Optional
Week 15 Taper Weak
(recovery day)
Aerobic Gear Change Swim- 40 minutes
Repeat this cycle for total duration of swim.
5:00 Freestyle/5:00 pull (no paddles)/ 5:00 pull with paddles/ 5:00 Freestyle w fins
Recovery is the amount of time it takes to swap your gear.
Intensity is your choice, if you feel good, push the pace, if you feel tired, swim easy. Try to finish faster than you started.
Bike: 50 minutes @ ZR/Z1 with 2×10:00 TEMPO pace (Zone 2). Recovery is 5:00 @ ZR/Z1 as you feel.
Transition Run: (Start this run within 10 minutes of getting off the bike) 40 minutes total. Run the 1st mile at Z2 TEMPO pace. After the first mile, back off the intensity and run the remainder of the run at Z1 heart rate.
Swim: 1500 yards’ total. Main set = 8×50’s STRONG with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike: 50 minutes ZR/Z1 with 3×5 minutes @ BEST EFFORT with 3 minutes’ rest between. Include “efforts” in 2nd half of ride, as close to the end as possible.
Run: 35 minutes (Z1 Progression) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 25 minutes, add in 5×1 minute of 5k paced intervals. Recovery is easy jogging for 1 minute.
Swim: 1500 yards’ total. Main set = 5x150s at “perceived race pace” with 15 seconds of rest between. Remainder of total should be easy swimming during the warm up and cool down.
Bike – 2-hour ride (Z1/Z2 progression) – Progress through Z1 throughout the ride. Complete the last 60 minutes of the ride in your Z2 heart rate zone.
Transition Run: 30 minutes (ZR/Z1 as you feel)
Run: 1hr 10min (Progression Run ) – Start at the low end of your Z1 heart rate zone, and finish at the high end. Try to make each mile have a slightly higher average heart rate than the previous mile, while sticking to Z1. In the last 40 minutes, increase your heart rate to Z2 if you feel good.
Shakeout swim: Optional
Week 16 Race Week
Bike: 5:00@ZR, 5:00@Z1, 15:00@Z2, 10:00@ZR/Z1
Transition Run: 20 minutes as you feel.
Swim: 2000 total swim. Main set, 10×50’s @ best effort. W/U and C/D should be nice and easy.
Bike: 60 minutes – OVER/UNDERS – 3x(10minutes @Z1, 5 minutes @Z2). Warm up and cool down as you feel.
Run: 30 minutes – easy run, as you feel.
Swim: 1000 yards’ total. Main set – 2×200’s at 90% effort (simulated race pace) W/U and C/D as you feel.
Bike: 20-30 minutes with 5:00 at Z2 wattage or HR
Run (can be a transition run): 10-15minutes as you feel.
Paul is a United States Army Veteran, USAT Certified Coach, QT2 Systems Level 1 Coach, and OutRival Racing Level 3 coach.
Paul also competes in triathlon and running events. Personal Records below:
70.3 PR (4:24:26)
140.6 PR – (9:51:53)
Half Marathon – (1:24:21)
Marathon – (2:57:27)