5 signs you didn’t do enough training over the winter
Is it time to get rolling on some training?

Race season is upon us! Of course all our Triathlon Magazine readers have been working hard all winter, getting ready for their first event, but there might be a few poor souls out there who might not have done as much work as they should have. So what might be a hint that it’s time to get things moving?
Your bike mechanic asked why you brought your bike in for a tune up
After having a look at your bike, your mechanic figures it’s all looking pretty much the same as it did when he did a final tune up before your last race. All you need is some oil on your chain after it’s been sitting in the basement all winter!
Your wetsuit appears to have shrunk through the winter
Yeah, we don’t get it, either. Who knew neoprene shrinks during the winter?
Your swim buddies don’t recognize you
Can’t remember the last time you were in the water with your crew? Neither can they. Time to get moving!
Your significant other needs some space
Yeah, we know that you thought you were being so helpful. Yes, your help is appreciated, but it is nice for everyone to have some time to themselves!
Your dog doesn’t want to run with you because you can’t keep up
Yeah, getting that puppy that came from a family of field trials champions seemed like a great idea – when you were fit. It’s time to get moving so fido won’t get too bored.
All is not lost, though – it’s April, so you have a few months before race season begins in earnest in much of the northern hemisphere.