What basic gear do triathletes need?
TMC blogger and pro triathlete Angela Naeth breaks down the essential gear for triathletes and what you can away without.
Interested in doing a triathlon but overwhelmed with all the gear you think you need? Here’s a quick list to use that includes all the essentials and what you can get away without. My mottos: keep it simple! Don’t get to much into the hype. Training trumps all!
Equipment needs can be broken down into five areas: swim, bike, run, nutrition, and racing.
- Swimsuit
- Goggles — always have two pairs in case. Bring both with you to training and races.
- Swim cap
- Wetsuit or swimskin, depending on the water temperatures at your race destination.
- Chafe cream
- Pull buoy and paddles for training
- Bike equipped with gearing you’re comfortable with using
- Helmet
- Warm gear clothing (leg/arm warmers, vest, gloves, jacket, cap and warm socks/toe covers) if you’re like the many Canadian triathletes who start their outdoor riding season in spring and end in late fall.
- Cycling kit
- Cycling shoes
- Spare kit
- Bike pump
- Water bottles/cages
- Sunglasses
- Running shoes
- Race belt
- Watch/HR monitor
- Visor/hat
- Run shorts/top and socks
- Everyday training nutrition (sports drink, energy drink, gels on hand)
- Recovery drink
- Race kit, if different from everyday training outfits
- Race belt
What you can get away without (the non-essentials)
- Aero helmet — this is a purchase to save for once you’re really invested in the sport. A regular helmet is sufficient for most triathletes who don’t need to worry about shaving off seconds from the bike leg.
- Race wheels
- Anything promising to make you faster with less training!