Angela Naeth May 16, 2019
Following Naeth’s eighth-place finish at Kona, symptoms of Lyme Disease returned. Forced to adjust her approach, Naeth has learned a lot about mindset and her approach.
Angela Naeth April 8, 2019
Six tips to become a faster runner off the bike
Angela Naeth March 11, 2019
So, how do you train yourself to run fast off a swim/bike combo? You need to re-think how running is part of the race, not a separate entity.
Angela Naeth March 6, 2019
Seasoned triathletes share their female-specific tips for other women in the sport.
Angela Naeth March 4, 2019
The swim portion of a triathlon is typically where most triathletes want to improve. Many don’t come from a swim […]
Angela Naeth February 25, 2019
Angela Naeth shares a few tricks she’s picked up in her triathlon career
Angela Naeth February 21, 2019
No matter what brand or the components you use, four key values come into play when buying a bike
Angela Naeth February 11, 2019
An early season training camp can get you ready for a big year
Angela Naeth February 4, 2019
I love my heart-rate monitor, power meter and GPS watch. However, I find that focusing on feel, rather than power and heart rate, is not only liberating but empowering.