The day you’re most likely to quit your New Years Resolutions
Based on analysis of over 822 million activities in 2019, January 19 is the day most people give up on their fitness resolutions.

According to data from social fitness app Strava, January 19th is the day you’re most likely to give up on your 2020 fitness resolutions.

According to Strava data compiled from users in 2019, people are most likely to give up on their fitness resolutions on January 19th, 2020. As grim as that sounds, it’s actually a couple of days better than last year’s “Quitters Day,” which Strava pegged as January 17th.
It’s all based on the over 822 million activities Strava athletes uploaded to the app between Oct. 1, 2018 and Sept. 30, 2019. All together Strava athletes covered over eight billion miles in that time frame.
Strava does have some suggestions on how you can keep those fitness resolutions alive, though:
Workout with people. People tend to cover more ground in cycling groups than alone and log more workouts after they join a club.
Consistency. Athletes who aim for three workouts a week tend to be more consistent than those who try to hit two a week, logging considerably more workouts.
Setting goals. Those who set goals in January are more likely to continue their training throughout the year.
Sounds like its time to find a training partner or a club and sign up for a race!