Triathlon Canada is Searching for Talent

Triathlon’s national governing body is on the hunt for new talent. In an effort to continue medal-winning performances at all levels including the Olympic and Paralympic Games, Triathlon Canada is set to launch The Talent Project. The core of the project consists of the following:
–Â Talent Identification using high-performance coaches to back athletes;
– Transfer of Talent into Triathlon Canada’s high-performance pathway from swimming, running or other sports;
– Tracking Talent already in the system;
– Development of Talent by high-performance coaches;
– Management of Talent by an Integrated Support Team;
– Dedicated Programs needed to optimize the Talent Project efficiency and effectiveness.
The initial phase of the project is the RisingStar program—an initiative to identify, develop and manage athlete and coach talent. If you are a rising star in Canadian triathlon or know someone who is apply now:
Triathlon Canada will work together with Provincial triathlon associations and local communities  to create the ideal daily performance environment for up-and-coming stars.