Montreal Esprit Triathlon looks forward to 33rd edition this summer
One of Canada's oldest triathlons offers something for everyone.
One of Quebec’s most well-loved triathlons returns for another season in 2017 and offers some exciting opportunities at  next summer’s races. Not only the host of the Canadian Long Distance Championship for the half distance (and offering 10 qualifying spots per age-group for world championships in 2018), the race weekend will offer a U13 to U15 race and serve as the fifth stop on the Grand Prix series for elite athletes.
“We started as an Olympic distance race 33 years ago, and people were responsible for their own lap counting,” explains race director Danny McCann. “At the time, the course was running through the city and it became dangerous. We moved to the Circuit and it has helped create the strong race atmosphere we have today.”
With so many different race options and the marquee “demi” (half distance) race attracting strong numbers each year, Montreal Esprit Triathlon serves as the perfect Canadian race weekend for any triathlete. Triathletes can choose from the half, Olympic, sprint, duathlon and try-a-tri over the race weekend, which takes place September 9th-10th, 2017. All distances offer a fantastic flat and fast course making them a great choice for a late season PB or change to qualify for worlds in 2018. The swim course in the Olympic basin offers calm, current-free waters and easy sighting thanks to cables that run underwater.
As an independent race, Montreal Esprit isn’t worried about competition from brands like Ironman because they know they’re offering something unique.
“It’s a great race for first-timers because of the fast course, which runs counter-clockwise so the wind is at your back,” McCann says. “It offers a different kind of challenge.”
Registration is now open on their website. Check back here on our website for more info about this race in the New Year.