Tamara Jewett recovering after being hit by a car at training camp in Arizona
Half-distance star recovering from concussion and other injuries

It was supposed to be a month of big training, but, in the end, Tamara Jewett’s training camp in Tucson, Arizona will likely include a lot of recovery time as she bounces back after being hit by a car earlier this week. Jewett surged up the Professional Triathletes Organisation’s world ranking last year (from 123 to 17) thanks to a number of top finishes including a win at Ironman 70.3 Timberman, along with runner-up finishes at 70.3 Augusta and Indian Wells. The former national team runner also posted the sport’s fastest half-marathon split with her 1:13:08 in Augusta.

Earlier this year Jewett took part in a training camp in St. George, Utah with her new team, the Real Tri Squad, and was planning on spending a month in Tucson as she continued her build for the 2022 season. On Tuesday she was heading out for a ride with fellow Canadian pro Jason Pohl (“ironically on our way to a nearby bike path,” she says) when the accident happened.
“I stopped in a big median in the road to wait for a clearer break in oncoming traffic, and the car just pulled right into me,” she says. “I remember the very start of being hit and just feeling totally surprised, then woke up very disoriented in the ambulance thinking at first (don’t know why, training camp history I guess) that I was in Florida. It took me a little bit to remember where I was/what was happening. I have a concussion and a pretty big gash on the side of my head and feel banged up, but I am so deeply grateful that nothing seems to be broken. (Triathlon coach) Barrie Shepley was really nice about making sure that I was OK at the hospital, and the other triathletes in the area have been really wonderful about helping me find a bike to borrow and lending me a trainer. (I will) Focus on doing everything I can to bounce back as quickly as possible, which right now is some walking and very very light activation/mobility in the pool and a lot of rest.”
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Jewett’s bike, a Trek Speed Concept she bought from Ultraman world champion Tara Norton in 2018, was badly damaged in the crash, but based on her latest social media posts it looks like she’ll be able to replace that with a newer model of the Speed Concept.
We all hope Jewett can have a speedy recovery and look forward to some more fast racing from her later this year.