Triathlon Resolutions for a Successful 2015

Haven’t made your 2015 resolutions yet? Here are our top five tri resolutions for a productive year of training and racing.
 1. Swim more: Commit to adding one more swim session into your weekly plan even if it’s a short one. More consistency will give you a better feel for the water and more overall comfort swimming. This in turn will contribute to improvements in efficiency and fitness.
2. Rest up: Don’t skip your rest day. With so many workouts to fit in during the week, triathletes often fill up their designated rest day with workouts moved from elsewhere. Over time, this builds fatigue and will inhibit your fitness gains. Respect your rest as you would your workout.
3. Refuel: Aim to properly refuel following a hard workout. It’s easy to miss the optimal refuelling window (within 45 minutes). Think about how often we sit and enjoy a post-workout coffee with our training partners instead of seeking out those good carb and protein options. Or maybe you find yourself rushing off to meetings after a hard interval run because your lunch break was the only place you could fit it in. Instead, in 2015 commit to refuelling well and in a timely fashion.
4. Don’t obsess over one missed workout a week: Be kind to yourself and know triathlon must fit into your life. It is ok to miss the occasional workout and better to let it go than try to cram it in elsewhere as that will often detract from the quality of your next workout. Follow your plan as best you can and if you notice you just can’t fit in one or more workouts, discuss readjusting things with your coach. If it happens infrequently—just let it go and focus on nailing the next workout well.
 5. Work on your limiter: Whatever holds you back—whether it’s your mental game, your run fitness, your fear of strength training, your too minimal sleep, commit to acknowledging it and making a conscious decision to improve on it in 2015.
Here’s to a fantastic 2015!