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Triathlon Ontario offering Individual Athlete Insurance

Triathlon Ontario

Triathlon Ontario is the first sanctioning body to offer members Individual Athlete Insurance. New for 2015, athletes can get Liability and Sport Accident policies extended to everyday training 24 hours a day 7 days a week, worldwide coverage for just an extra $10 on top of membership. If you regularly train alone or often out of province, you can now have peace of mind. 
Additionally, Triathlon Ontario is offering separate bike insurance. Athletes often don’t even  know whether they  have any protection for their top-of-the-line bikes from theft or damage at a sanctioned race or sanctioned club workout. In 2013 a bike was stolen from transition at an unsanctioned event in Ontario, and in 2014, three bikes were stolen out of transition at a sanctioned event.  With more races requiring athletes to check in their bikes overnight, the risk of theft is increasing. Most races require athletes to  sign a waiver that does not hold the race director legally responsible for theft.

House insurance does not necessarily cover bikes–be sure to review your policy and check out the Triathlon Ontario options:   www.triathlonontario.com


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