ITU Age Group World Champs General Registration Opens September 30

General Registration (previously Roll-Down)
Seeking to obtain a 2015 ITU Age Group World Championship Spot via General Registration?
The following information should provide you with a better understanding of the General Registration process beginning Tuesday, September 30th.
General Registration are for athletes who have:
Competed at a qualifying event but did not obtain an “automatic qualifying” spot
Athletes who are applying for a spot via Special Application or Charity Spot.
Registration Fees & Categories
ALL registration is done via Triathlon Canada’s online registration system.
General Registration (select “Qualified”)
Fees: Team Fee $150 / Uniform Fee $275 / $30 Shipping + Taxes
If you competed at a qualifying event, but did not obtain an automatic qualifying spot, you can select “Qualified” when registering for a spot during General Registration. A World Championship is NOT considered a qualifying event.
To review a list of qualifying events, visit:
Enter 2014-00-00 in the “After” box
Special Application (select “Special Application”)
Fees: Special Application Fee $150 / Team Fee $150 / Uniform Fee $275 / $30 Shipping + Taxes
If you resided in a province/territory that did not offer a qualifying event or, did not compete at a qualifying event BUT did competed at a recent ITU World Championships.
Note: Athletes who applied for a 2014 ITU World Championship spot using Special Application cannot do so for 2015.
Charity Spot (select “Charity Spot”)
Fees: Charity Spot $375 (tax receipt given) / Team Fee $150 / Uniform Fee $275 / $30 Shipping + Taxes
If you reside outside of Canada or did not compete at a qualifying event or the recent ITU World Championships. Don’t forget to submit a race resume AFTER you have completed the online registration form. Race resume should include event name, date, distance, finishing time and place within age group category.
General Registration start dates/times:
Do review the following start date/times according to the event you wish to register for. Applications received prior to the corresponding event date and time will immediately be rejected.
At this time, athletes seeking a spot for the 2015 ITU World Triathlon Championships in Chicago are only permitted to register for one event – either Sprint OR Standard. Not Both.
To view spot availability, click on the Event Name.
Spots will be awarded on a first come first served basis.
SPRINT TRIATHLON Chicago, IL, USA September 15-20, 2015
Athletes who placed 2nd or 3rd: Tuesday, September 30th at 9:00AM EST
Athletes who placed 4th and above + Special Application: Thursday, October 2nd at 9:00AM EST
Charity Spot Applications: Monday, October 6th at 9:00AM EST
STANDARD TRIATHLON Chicago, IL, USA September 15-20, 2015
Athletes who placed 2nd or 3rd: Wednesday, October 1st at 9:00AM EST
Athletes who placed 4th and above + Special Application: Friday, October 3rd at 9:00AM EST
Charity Spot Applications: Monday, October 6th at 9:00AM EST
DUATHLON (Sprint & Standard) Adelaide, AUS October 15-18, 2015
ALL + Special Application + Charity Spot : Tuesday, October 7th at 9:00AM EST
LD TRIATHLON Motala, Sweden June 24-28, 2015
ALL + Special Application + Charity Spot : Tuesday, October 7th at 9:00AM EST
CROSS TRIATHLON Sardini, Italy (Orosei) tbd
ALL + Special Application + Charity Spot: Tuesday, October 7th at 9:00AM EST
Athletes who are registering for a spot should keep in mind:
Must be full member of their local provincial triathlon associations.
Applications received prior to the corresponding event registration date and time above will be immediately declined.
Once accepted, the Team Fee is non-refundable.
Charity Spot applications must be accompanied by a race resume. Race resumes can be forwarded to Joyce Chiang,
From: Triathlon Canada