Former reality TV star Dr. Andy Baldwin partners with Challenge Family Americas

Challenge Family Americas has announced its partnership with former Bachelor star, triathlete, US Navy Family Physician and accomplished humanitarian Dr. Andy Baldwin. He will serve as an ambassador for the brand and compete race a number of Challenge Family Americas races including Challenge Knoxville, Challenge Williamsburg and Challenge Atlantic City, as well the most popular Challenge race, Challenge Roth.
“I can’t wait to experience the Challenge Family events first-hand,” said Baldwin. “Challenge Roth has long been on my bucket list since learning the lore and legends behind the race, and now with Challenge Family’s greatly expanded presence in the US I can race a number of the events close to home as well.”
Baldwin started triathlon as part of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team In Training, a has since done nine Full distance events often training on board a Navy ship on deployment.
Big news!! So excited to be part of @Challenge_Amer & @Challenge_Famil triathlons! Who’s w/ me? #triathlon #challenge
— Dr. Andy Baldwin (@DrAndyBaldwin) April 8, 2015
Baldwin’s humanitarian efforts and health initiatives are expansive. He founded Got Your Back Network, an organization that assists family members of fallen US military men and women, serves as an advocate for Michelle Obama’s Let’s Move! campaign and assisted the US Surgeon General with the Healthy Youth For A Healthy Future initiative. He joined a World Vision mission to Kenya to create clean water solutions, and helped treat 600 Laotians in remote villages without basic medical care.
Challenge Family Americas board member Charlie Patten insists, “Andy is the real deal – a humanitarian and health care provider who serves his country and the world at large with generosity of heart and an indomitable spirit, lending a caring hand to US veterans and delivering critical medical care to those in need around the world.”