Chris Pratt takes Haines City 70.3
This past weekend’s Ironman 70.3 Florida did not feature a pro race but was won by Canadian age grouper Shawn Willyman in a time of 4:10:32. The women’s race was won by American Kristin Schwieger in 4:46:53. Guardians of the Galaxy star Chris Pratt brought star power to the Haines City race, missing the MTV Movie Awards on Sunday to compete in the race. The 35-year-old joined Navy SEAL Mike Day in racing and raising money and awareness for brain injured vets. Pratt finished in 7:12:56.
— chris pratt (@prattprattpratt) April 12, 2015
Pratt credits cutting out alcohol and following a Paleo diet for getting him from the shape he was in while on Parks and Recreation to the chiseled comic book hero look of Guardians of the Galaxy.