Win by Showing Your Worst Sports Bra
New Balance and Canadian Running are giving away the New Balance Psyche Bra.

Over 70 per cent of women own and wear ill-fitting bras. Send us a photo or video of your worst sports bra or a short paragraph about your bad sports bra experience – it can be embarrassing, amusing, or just a little entertaining – and be entered to win one of three New Balance prize packs.
The contest will run for four weeks until May 17. Each week, three entries will be chosen in a random draw to win one of three of the prizes highlighted that week.
Here’s how to enter:
1. Take a photo (or video) of your old ill-fitting bras and describe what the old sports bra experience was like in a short Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or video post.
2. Follow @NewBalanceCan and @CanadianRunning on Twitter and Instagram for the latest contest information and Tweet/Instagram the pic or your video by mentioning @CanadianRunning and using the hashtag #NBpsychebra
3. Add the url to your entry, if applicable.
4. Please note, you must email with your entry, address and sports bra size.
We like effort – so be creative, or clever with your suggestions, either with your video/photo or in the way you describe it. We will pick weekly winners, and have three overall grand prize winners at the end of the four weeks for the best, most creative entry.
The Fine Print
1. This contest is for one of three New Balance prize packs (“overall prize”) and one of four weekly prize draws (“weekly prize”). The contest (“period”) runs from April 18 to May 17. The grand prize is a full New Balance kit, including New Balance Psyche bra, shoes, t-shirt and shorts. The weekly prizes (one per week for four weeks) will include one bra from the New Balance Psyche collection and a pair of shoes.
2. One weekly prize winner will be selected from the list of entries by Canadian Running Magazine at the end of each week of the period on April 26, May 3, May 10 and May 17. Only the winner will be contacted and their name will be published on social media channels. The grand prize will be selected following the conclusion of the contest on May 17. Canadian Running magazine will not reply to any correspondence regarding the event.
3. All participants assume all risks involved in participating in the contest.
4. Contest entrants must be at least 19 years old and be Canadian residents.
5. In order to be eligible, the entries must be posted on Twitter, Facebook or Instagram and also copied via email to