TriStar111 Madrid Preview
The race goes Sunday.
On Sunday from 8:00 am in the Casa de Campo, the inaugural edition of the TriStar111 Madrid will be held. The format consists of a 1km swim, 100km ride and 10km run in the Casa de Campo. Approximately 100 athletes will compete in this fun and exciting event. TriStar111 Madrid was officially presented today at the facilities of the Reebok Sports Club in La Finca.
TriStar111 Madrid is a new triathlon which takes place on a spectacular 111km distance (1km swim, 100km ride and 10km run). The new style format is very fun for athletes and allows rapid recovery after exercise, unlike other formats. The competition is organized by StarEvents and the Madrid Triathlon Federation (MTF).
Lorenzo Bernal, the president of the MTF has highlighted the excellent design of the course stating that “it will be a journey in a natural environment, tough and selective increases in the 10 loops to Cerro Garabitas ascent. It is unduly burdensome, it is quite plain, but with the passage of the laps can be difficult if athletes don’t regulate their efforts. I think it’s good and a healthy addition to the traditional ITU distances, do different things will atract varied number of athletes come and try a triathlon. I hope this race will be consolidated and in the years to come many more triathletes will choose Madrid to race. I think after the first experience many more people will be encouraged for future editions.” The ITU (International Triathlon Union) officially recognized the TriStar distances last month.
TriStar Madrid will have the presence of good Spanish triathletes including José Almagro (Spain’s newly proclaimed triathlon runner and former professional cyclo-cross cyclist), Alvaro Velazquez who was silver medallist in Spain’s long distance championship, as well as Jaime Menéndez de Luarca, who also competed in TriStar Mallorca earlier this year.
Madrid joins the list of global TriStar destinations: Split (Croatia), Nevis (SKN), Mallorca (ESP), Worms (GER), Madrid (ESP ), Minnesota (USA), Lyon (FRA), Otepää (EST), Monaco (MON) and Sardinia (ITA).
The TriStar label is owned by Star Production SARL, a Monaco based company specialized in organizing high quality sports events that are focused on fun, social responsibility and environmental protection. The TriStar Series has grown to 15 races in these 10 destinations in less than two years. TriStar has introduced new distances to the sport of triathlon (A/N: 111km and 222km), as well as a new Team Racing Concept (A/N: in Madrid). More Info: