Triathlon Ontario announces a new fee structure
In collaboration with MultiSport Canada and World Endurance Canada.
Triathlon Ontario, in collaboration with MultiSport Canada (MSC) and World Endurance Canada (WEC) is pleased to announce a new fee structure for their respective race series. This new, simpler fee structure will provide the participants with a better consumer focused experience while at the same time generating much needed funding for Triathlon Ontario’s mission of promoting and growing triathlon and multisport in Ontario.
Triathlon Ontario acknowledges and is grateful to the management of WEC and MSC for the hard work and time all parties put into the effort to provide a cost effective and customer friendly experience for the athletes. The funds generated will be put back into the sport through youth, junior, elite and age group developmental programs as well as club, coach and officials expansion.
Those athletes who choose not to become full Triathlon Ontario members with all the benefits conferred to them will be able to opt for a limited, series specific membership and a reduced, one-time fee. Athletes will pay the Limited Series Membership of $10 with their first race registration. Subsequent race entries for the respective race series, WEC* or MSC, will not be charged an additional fee (see below).
MSC and WEC have committed to working with the Board of Directors of Triathlon Ontario, to ensure continued development and implementation of programs targeting athlete development and in support of the growth of Triathlon and multisport in Ontario. They look forward to seeing the delivery of the various programs to which their events have contributed funding and will continue in their support of Triathlon Ontario.
The new fee structures are as follows:
- Triathlon Ontario Annual Membership – $45 (Club Member) or $55 (individual)
- Covers race day fees for all race in Ontario
- Limited Triathlon Ontario Membership Race Fee – $10
- Covers MultiSport Canada or World Endurance Canada* races only. This fee is a ONE TIME fee and provides the athlete with coverage for all races in the respective series.
- Athlete purchases a Triathlon Ontario Membership for $45 or $55. This athlete would not pay any additional race day fees for any race in Ontario. This is excellent value for those athletes who race in multiple events throughout the province.
- Athlete who traditionally competes in only WEC or MSC races. The athlete will pay a Limited Triathlon Ontario Membership Race Fee of $10. This fee will cover the athlete for ALL races within the specific series. If an athlete competes in both series they would pay this fee for each for a total of $20. Should that athlete wish to compete in independent races they would be subject to the One Day Race Fee.
* This does not include WEC’s Ironman 70.3 Muskoka.
Further Clarification Of New Triathlon Ontario License Fees
(published January 28, 2013)
In previous years all athletes paid a race entry fee PLUS a $6 License Fee to the Provincial Governing Body, TRIATHLON ONTARIO, formerly OAT (Ontario Association of Triathletes). This $6 fee covered your one-day license and insurance for the day of the event. The exception was athletes who paid an annual Triathlon Ontario membership fee of $45. These athletes were eligible to race in any triathlon or duathlon in Ontario without paying any extra one-day licensing fees. All of these License Fees were in addition to the race entry fees charged to put on the actual races.
Late last year, Triathlon Ontario proposed an increase to the Triathlon Ontario One-Day License Fee from $6 to $10 per athlete, per race and an increase in annual membership fees from $50 to $55. MultiSport Canada/Recharge With Milk Triathlon Series and World Endurance Canada/Subaru Triathlon Series, objected to the increase in the one-day fees. Our respective series decided to work collaboratively with Triathlon Ontario, so that we could continue to support the Provincial Governing Body and still give good value to our athletes. Over the last 3 months both series have worked with Triathlon Ontario to come up with a reasonable alternative. We believe the new Series Limited Triathlon Ontario Race License Fee provides good value to athletes who race more than once a year, but do not want to become members of Triathlon Ontario.
The Series Limited Triathlon Ontario Race License Fee, what does this mean for you?
Both of the race series’ in Ontario are working together to ensure the best interests of our customer/athletes and the sport are met. Accordingly, we have arranged with Triathlon Ontario for each race series to have a Limited Triathlon Ontario One-Day Race License Fee. “Limited” means within THAT particular RACE SERIES, whether Recharge With Milk or Subaru, but not both. This means you will be charged your race entry fee, PLUS $10 for the first race you enter in the Recharge With Milk Triathlon Series. If you race again with our series, you only need to pay that race entry fee and WILL NOT HAVE TO PAY the $10 Triathlon Ontario One-Day Race License Fee a second time. Therefore if you compete in 2 races it works out to $5 per race PLUS race entry fees, 4 races $2.50 per race PLUS race entry fees etc. (See examples below) This compares to last year where you had to pay $6 Triathlon Ontario License Fee for each race. If you are a member of Triathlon Ontario, you will not pay any race day license fees other than the annual fee of $55. |
Where does the money go?
These Triathlon Ontario Race License Fees DO NOT go to our series. Triathlon Ontario Race License Fees go directly to Triathlon Ontario. The funds are used to sanction the races, provide officials and pay their head office administrative overhead. You can see where your fees are spent on the Triathlon Ontario website. We would like to point out that Ontario has the least expensive race event fees for triathlon events in North America, along with the least expensive Provincial Governing Body (Triathlon Ontario) association License Fees. In Quebec and BC the Provincial Governing Body charges a minimum of $15 per event. We, MultiSport Canada and World Endurance Canada, have worked throughout the last few months to keep the costs to race in Ontario down and provide you with the best value for your racing dollar. If you would like further explanation as to how these Triathlon Ontario One-Day Race License fees are used please could contact Linda Kirk, Executive Director of Triathlon Ontario at |
Series Limited Triathlon Ontario One-Day Race License Examples
In previous years, if you were signing up for 2 or more races with the Recharge With Milk Triathlon Series, you would have paid a $6 Triathlon Ontario One-Day Race License Fee, for each race entered. That meant two races would have added $12 in Triathlon Ontario License Fees, three races $18, 4 races $24 etc. In the long run the new Series Limited Triathlon Ontario Race License Fee is a cost saver to you the customer!
Here are two examples that may help give better clarity:
Recharge With Milk Triathlon Series Athlete
- This year you register for the Woodstock Triathlon but are NOT a yearly Triathlon Ontario member. You will be charged the $10 Triathlon Ontario One-Day Race License Fee when you register. Payment of this $10 fee will now allow you to race in any subsequent race in the Recharge With Milk Triathlon Series, without having to pay that $10 License Fee again in 2013. If you register for a subsequent race, the registration system will be able to verify that you have already paid your Limited Triathlon Ontario Race License Fee and you will be exempt from paying the Limited Triathlon Ontario Race License Fee again. You will only pay your race entry fees for each race entered.
Subaru Triathlon Series Athlete
- This year you register for the Milton Triathlon but are NOT a yearly Triathlon Ontario member. You will be charged the $10 Triathlon Ontario One-Day Race License Fee when you register. Payment of this $10 fee will now allow you to race in any subsequent race in the Subaru Triathlon Series, without having to pay that $10 License Fee again in 2013. If you register for a subsequent race, the registration system will be able to verify that you have already paid your Limited Triathlon Ontario Race License Fee and you will be exempt from paying the Limited Triathlon Ontario Race License Fee again. You will only pay your race entry fees for each race entered.
Recharge With Milk Triathlon Series and Subaru Triathlon Series Athletes
- You plan on racing 3 Recharge With Milk events and 2 Subaru Series events. Your yearly Triathlon Ontario Race License Fees will be $10 per Series, for a total of $20. This allows you to race across the two series for the entire year. You just saved $10 in One-Day License fees compared to last year.