Team Mitocanada to attempt World Record at Challenge Penticton
Sean Penhale, Scott Curry, and Blaine Penny to go for the record.
Mitocanada’s President Blaine Penny has already set one world record this year for the charity he founded to support research for the charity he helped build from the ground up. Earlier this year he set the World record for the fastest “Linked Marathon” and today he confirmed his intent to help Mitocanada set a 2nd World record, this time in the sport of Triathlon.
Following the success of the linked marathon fundraiser where the team raised over $100,000.00, Mitocanada supporter Jordan Bryden devised a plan to attempt the fastest Iron distance team triathlon at this year’s Challenge Penticton Triathlon Festival. He gathered together some of his fastest friends and submitted a application to Guinness World Records. Just 3 weeks before the event (Aug 25) Guinness approved the paperwork, and the Iron distance triathlon course (a 3.8km swim, 180km bike, and a 42.2 km run). As a verified course has not been submitted to Guinness in the past- a benchmark time of 8 hours was established in order to consider the record official with Guinness.
Just two weeks before the race was to take place the runner who was supposed to do the marathon was forced to drop out of the race leaving an incomplete team. Today, Aug 16, Blaine Penny agreed to lace up his shoes and prepare for a full Marathon just days before the event to support the efforts of Mitocanada.
Sean Penhale of Calgary cascade swim club (currently ranked as 76th in the world in the 1500m freestyle) will complete the swim portion of the race. Triathlete Scott Curry will complete the bike portion, and Blaine will finish with the marathon – in an attempt to beat the 8 hour benchmark time.
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