Paula Findlay encounters another hurdle
Iron deficiency anemia discovered.
When it rains, it pours.
After her London Olympic race experience, Paula Findlay really didn’t need to be hit with another roadblock as she prepared to end the year on a positive note at the ITU World Championships on October 20. However, her 2012 season will not get any better.
On her blog today, Findlay reported that she had some blood work done and she was found to have iron deficiency anemia. This could have obviously been a contributing factor to her disappointing performance in London.
“I realize this is fairly private medical information that I’m sharing, but a lot of people are asking what my plans are for the rest of the season. Iron deficiency anemia is something that a lot of athletes struggle with and it is a fixable, treatable problem. For now I need to focus on what I CAN do. Some good lower intensity base training while I work on getting my iron and energy levels back up. This might actually be a good thing, establishing a good foundation for next year so that I can come back strong and healthy. Liver for dinner, yes please!”
Read her entire post at A Series of Unfortunate Events.
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Toronto Star: Triathlon Canada keeping results of Paula Findlay anemia probe private.