Le Grand Prix Saint-Donat
An original event for athletes wilder than average - September 14th.
Endurance Aventure is preparing its next extraordinary event that will take place in Saint-Donat on September 14th. Le Grand Prix Saint-Donat is a new original concept designed, once again, for people wilder than average!
The day will start by a triathlon including 750 m swim, 20 km bicycling and 5.8 km running. The athletes will jump off a boat to start the 750 m swim and reach the shores of Archambault Lake. The triathletes will then have the chance to take a wonderful bicycle route for 20 km on roads following lakes and mountains. In order to complete the race, the athletes will run for 5.8 km on a wonderful route that will be a mixed of asphalted road, wooded bicycling paths, including the famous “Montée du diable” hill about 500 m from the arrival.
Raid Endurance Aventure – Saint-Donat
In the afternoon, at 1.30 pm, will take place the Raid Endurance Aventure. All the participants, in teams of two (2), will have to do mountain biking, running, trekking, climbing and many other surprises to reach the end. The format of this 2013 edition will allow everyone who always dreamed to take part into a Raid to do so without spend all the day. And for the adepts of challenges wilder than average, an extreme section will raise the challenge to a maximum. This Raid is an ultimate challenge both for new comers and elite raiders.
Grand Prix Saint-Donat
Finally, the Grand Prix concept is aimed to those who ask for even more! This formula combines the triathlon in the morning and the Raid Endurance Aventure in the afternoon. This unique formula in Québec will offer full satisfaction in term of sport intensity, endurance and diversity! The Grand Prix can be done in team of two (2) or solo.
Two races are also available for the runners: a 5 km and a 10 km run will start at 10.00 am. The routes will follow a wonderful countryside road along the Archambault Lake and a beautiful wooded bicycle path called la Donatienne.
For more information on this extraordinary event, visit www.enduranceaventure.com
Take note that the TV program produced by Outdoor Sport France will be broadcast in the few days following the event. To see the last winter TV program.