Findlay Apologizes to Canada
Findlay feels embarrassed and that she let everyone down. Whitfield blames her former coach and others.

As noted in our story on the Women’s Olympic Triathlon, Canada’s Paula Findlay apologized for her performance the whole time as she ran down the finish chute.
The CTV caught up with Paula at the finish line and she continued to apologize, voice her embarrassment, and how she let everyone down.
Canadians feel the opposite.
Watch this very passionate and moving interview at Findlay Apologizes to Canada
See Findlay’s emotional finish.
Not being one to hold back on speaking his mind, and he had some insightful tweets during the women’s race this morning, Simon Whitfield tweeted this during the race: “gutted 2c Paula so upset. There are some people that need 2b held accountable here, total incompetence before they jumped ship. #shameful
Simon and his support crew took in Paula Findlay during the final build-up to the Olympic Games after she parted ways with her coach in June. There is more to come on this story for sure.
Updated: Sunday August 5th.
* As you can see from the many stories below, there is much to be sorted out.
Simon Whitfield clarified what he meant, pointing blame at her former coach Patrick Kelly, Own The Podium high performance advisor Debbie Muir and Dr. David Smith, when the press caught up with him prior to swim practice in London on Sunday morning, the day after the women’s race.
Triathlon Canada Responds to Whitfield’s Remarks – “(We) need to take responsibility for what transpired during Paula’s Olympic race.”
A story from the Times Colonist (Victoria) – Patrick Kelly says when he stopped coaching Findlay and why.
Let’s remember the Paula prior to the Olympics.