MSC Wasaga Sprint and Cornwall Olympic Triathlon Vlog 146

This past weekend it was a double race weekend for me. I raced the MultiSport Canada Wasaga Beach Sprint Triathlon Saturday, followed by the Cornwall Olympic Distance Triathlon on Sunday. It was a great weekend of racing and highlighted what a terrific local triathlon scene we have in Ontario. These local races are often overlooked because so many of us have big goal races at Ironman events, but I think to ignore the local racing scene is a mistake. Both Wasaga and Cornwall were sold out events, so they are not hurting for participants, but we also shouldn’t take them for granted. In Ontario we have the opportunity to take part in terrific events that are close to home, and don’t require the same time commitment from yourself and your family, as an Ironman weekend does. When you’re planning your 2020 season I highly recommend you add a few local races to your schedule.
Supporters: Dare2Tri, Skechers Performance Canada, Triathlon Ontario, STAC Performance, F2C Nutrition, 4iiii
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