Weighty Goals for 2014
Registered Dietician and Pro Triathlete Brooke Brown weighs in on how to stay on top of your weight-loss goals.
If Letterman had a top ten list for New Year’s Resolutions, weight loss would top the chart. Even though they tend to be fit most of the year, triathletes are not immune to weight-gain and every January the gyms and pools are packed with those wanting to burn off some extra pounds. People are genuinely convinced that this year will be the year of change. So why, come spring, does diligence dwindle? For starters, achieving your goals is easier said than done. But, there are some steps you can take to stay on track.
Putting Your 2014 Goals into Motion
Have a plan of attack. Over-generalized and vague resolutions are a recipe for disaster. Goals are most often achieved when you have a deliberate and specific strategy (with a timeline).
Say, “I own this plan!” -and believe it. Whether you devise your own strategy or work with someone on developing fitness, nutrition or a lifestyle plan, you are more likely to continue a process that you’re a part of instigating. Our beliefs influence our behaviours, so own them and have conviction!
Set yourself up for success by setting realistic goals. Think long-term. Use the less is more principal. If you plan on hitting the gym 3 days a week and you manage 4 it is a bonus… and you feel good about yourself. Whereas, if your goal is 5 days and you only go 4, it is more than likely you will experience disappointment. Include some smaller sub-goals that you can celebrate along the way.
Enough with the excuses! It is far too easy to convince ourselves not to do something. Sometimes, you just need to get ‘er done. If you can figure out where the negative self talk comes from and tune it out, you will have fewer obstacles between you and your goal.
But, do give yourself some slack. Perfection is over-rated. Don’t beat yourself up for not seeing the results you want. Objectively assess your progress, celebrate what you have accomplished, and determine a direction for continuing your work. Remember that success is a journey not a destination.
Be patient. It is said that it takes 45 days to change behaviour. Don’t be quick to force change. The experience is about the process, not the final outcome.
Happy travels for 2014.