Drug Policies in Triathlon to be Reviewed at Triathlon Business International Conference

How rampant is drug use in triathlon? Rampant enough to dedicate a panel to  Drug Policies and Endurance Sports at the 2014 North American Triathlon Business International Conference in Marina del Rey, Calif. on  January 26-28. It is sure to be among the most heated discussions. Triathlon Business International is an industry organization dedicated to promoting the sport and the business of triathlon. The following topics will be considered:
- Why aren’t all triathlon events tested for drugs?
- Who’s responsibility is it to test?
- Does current testing at triathlon events cover EPO, HGH and dietary supplements?
- What can be done to level the playing field in all events so athletes know everyone is drug-free?
The conference opens with a keynote address by Travis Tygart, CEO,USADA, which is followed immediately by the panel exploring drugs in endurance sports. The panel will be moderated by Mike Reilly, vice president, Active Network with presentations, comments and discussion by Don Catlin, MD, CEO, Anti-Doping Research; Oliver Catlin, president, Banned Substances Control Group  and Certified Drug Free; Sean Petty, chief of domestic and international affairs, USA; and Andrew Messick, CEO,WTC/ Ironman.
The conference is open to the public through one-day passes.
For more information, please visit www.triathlonbusinessintl.com.