Canadian Filmmakers Turn to Crowd Sourcing to Fund Film About Triathlon

Canadian husband and wife team Anthony Epp and Helena Thom are making a film about triathlon and crowd sourcing through Indiegogo to raise funds to produce their independent film 13 Miles. Their funding target is $40,000 U.S. Set primarily in B.C., 13 Miles follows a story of two triathletes, Trevor, a pro triathlete in the twilight of his career, and Cora, an amateur who decides to change her life and begins competing in triathlons to get back together with her ex.Conceived of in 2010, the first draft of the screenplay was completed and at the end of June 2013 when the couple were married. Helena and Anthony were married.
The 13 Miles Indiegogo campaign started on 28 May and will close on 27 July 2014. Thom and Epp believe they are ‘honing and blending the remarkable skills and fitness of triathletes to create a movie that will entertain and inspire international audiences.’
In addition to making their movie available to audiences via Video On Demand (VOD), Thom and Epp plan to release 13 Miles across North America in the summer of 2015, and enter in national and international film festivals – among which include the Berlin Film Festival and the Cannes International Film Festival.
Thom said that, “At least two per cent of the net earnings from the 13 Miles Indiegogo crowd funding will go to a Pay-It-Forward campaign to fund Right To Play, as well as other independent filmmakers’ crowd funding campaigns.”
Epp added, “Five per cent of all funds raised from Kappa Sigma members will be donated to the Kappa Sigma Endowment Fund which awards Scholarship/Leadership Awards every year to deserving undergraduates at over 300 Universities and Colleges in North America.”
13 Miles will also bring on a ‘Green Steward Producer’ to ensure that the film production has the lowest environmental footprint possible.
“We believe our film should contribute to environmental protection and there are many ways we can reduce waste, all of which we will be vigilant about implementing into our film plan.”
Movie goers, triathletes, endurance athletes, arts and culture enthusiasts and others can contribute to the 13 Miles Indiegogo campaign at
The Producers have chosen to partner with From the Heart Productions for fiscal sponsorship, which means that the film is able to receive contributions as tax deductible for donors who are in the United States. As a 501(c) (3) public charity, From The Heart Productions (FTH), sponsors projects with its non-profit status. This is positioned as being a further powerful reason to support the movie.