Workout Wednesday: The perfect 2km lunch swim

–by Lauren Brandon
Do you need a quick 2k main set? Here is one that starts off at Ironman pace and descends down to a sprint. This set definitely goes by quickly and if done right, will make you quite tired by the end. One of the best things about this set is that it can be done in preparation for any triathlon that you have signed up for, no matter what the distance. Or if you’re really pressed for time you can cut the reps in half for a 2km total set.
Warm Up:
400 swim choice
4×100 (50 kick/50 swim choice) 10 seconds rest
8×50 free (descend 1-4 and 5-8) – the descend should be easy to fast – 10 seconds rest
200 (alternate 25 drill/25 swim)
Main Set:
4×200 free @Ironman pace (a pace that you can hold for a long time) Rest 10 seconds in between each 200
4×150 free @70.3 pace (this should be a faster pace than what you held on the 200’s. You should be holding a comfortable, but strong pace). Rest 10 seconds in between each
4×100 free @ Olympic distance pace (this pace should be faster than the 150’s and should be fast, but not all out). Rest 15 seconds in between each
4×50 free FAST (this is ALL OUT)! Rest 20 seconds in between each
200 easy swim (25 backstroke, 25 free)
Last set: 300 Pull, breathing every 3. Work on long strokes, keeping your elbow up for your underwater pull, and good hip rotation.
100 easy swim
Total: 4000