Angela Naeth: Six swim tips for a triathlon

The swim portion of a triathlon is typically where most triathletes want to improve. Many don’t come from a swim background, and it can be a case of high anxiety. The secret – swim often. I typically swim five to six days a week, varying the workout and distance. I try to get in open water swims once the weather and season allow it.
Naeth’s favourite swim set: 25-50-75-100-125-100-75-50-25 alternating between easy and hard continuous. Repeat two to three times.
- Find a good Masters program. Swimming with a group is key for motivation – especially when you’re getting up at 5 a.m.
- Find someone who can help you with your stroke.
- Swim often. The more you can get in the water, the more ability you have to feel the water. This is key to any good swimmer.
- Use fewer tools. I was up in the air on this when I first started swimming, but most recently I have found that the fewer tools I use, the more I learn how to hold water and use it to my advantage,” she says. I love the fist drill. Put your hands in fists while you swim. See how that changes your stroke and feel of the water.
- Get out of the pool. Practice where you’ll race. Get into a lake or open water when the season allows.
- Find your rhythm. No matter what your stroke looks like, rhythm is what keeps the momentum. Find a stroke rate and rhythm that you can sustain for your entire race.