Quebec’s Joliette Triathlon

-by Patrick Janukavicius
Joliette is the first race in the Quebec Cup Series and its beautiful course makes for a great kick off event. Held last Sunday June 1, the river swim was a welcome feature given how much faster it could warm up than a lake. Athletes swam with the current behind them. A two-lap bike course for the sprint race allows athletes to ride through the crowds for support, but includes a challenging technical hill. The run course is flat and takes place in a park near transition. Athletes run four laps of the 1.25 km route.
“The race acts as a great recruiting event every year.” says Alain Labarre, race director and head coach of Jet triathlon. The event includes an elite category with prize money totalling $2500. “The elites do the same race as everyone else, just a lot faster,” says Labarre. Unlike the age-group athletes the elites are allowed to draft during the bike portion of the race.
This year’s winners were Charles Brault for the men’s race in 56:15 and Severine Bouchez for the women’s race in 1:03:11. Phillipe Tremblay and Yanik Leduc rounded out the men’s podium in 56: 28 and 57:15 respectively. On the women’s side, Isabelle Gagnon and Pamella-Ann St. Pierre were second and third in 1:03: 34 and 1:04:17.

Races start for children as young as 7. Proceeds from the race go to support young elite triathletes in the Jet Triathlon Club.