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5 must do’s before your first race of the season

— by Daniel Clarke

This weekend a lot of Southern Ontario triathletes will finally unshackle their bikes from their trainers to race the Multisport Canada Rose City Triathlon. We all know we should have done bike maintenance over the winter, but many of us procrastinated. If you fall into the procrastination camp, I have five must do’s that will only take you 10 minutes to check to have a good, safe race.

Supporters: Dare2Tri, Skechers Performance Canada, Triathlon Ontario, STAC Performance, F2C Nutrition

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danieljclarke/

Blog (and race reports): https://ifnotyouthenwho.ca/

Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/7329576

Email: daniel@krokadero.com