Daniel Clarke | Financials of a third-tier pro triathlete

A question I often get is if I’m able to make any money in triathlon, so I take that on in this weeks video. I focus more on the revenue side of the equation, but if you’re interested in a more detailed look at financials of a much higher level pro than I, check out Cody Beals blog: https://www.codybeals.com/2018/02/my-fourth-year-pro-triathlon-budget/
Supporters: Dare2Tri, Skechers Performance Canada, Triathlon Ontario, Saris Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/danieljclarke/ Blog (and race reports): https://ifnotyouthenwho.ca/ Strava: https://www.strava.com/athletes/7329576 Email: daniel@krokadero.com