Pre-Workout Smoothie
A rich tasting, easily digested and satisfying pre-workout smoothie.

Before a workout you need something healthy and easy to prepare to fuel you through the miles ahead. This rich tasting, easily digested and satisfying pre-workout smoothie contains healthy fats and a good ratio of carbohydrate to protein. The dates provide a natural form of glucose, which will be rapidly converted into glycogen to maintain energy levels, while the banana offers a slower release source of carbohydrate and natural sugars. The mixture of tahini, hemp and ground almond provides a supply of easily digested protein. Hemp contains all 10 essential amino acids, naturally boosts the immune system and speeds up recovery. Carob is a great alternative to chocolate containing a range of minerals and a good supply of calcium and iron, while the ginger offers a natural anti-inflammatory and the miso provides electrolytes and salts.
Preparation time
Approximately five minutes
4 large dates (preferably soaked if dried)
1 cup of almond or rice milk
1 banana
2 dessert spoons tahini (preferably raw)
2 dessert spoons hemp powder
1 dessert spoon ground almond
2 dessert spoons carob powder
(preferably raw)
1 dessert spoon of grated fresh ginger or
1 teaspoon of dried ginger
1 teaspoon coconut oil
1 teaspoon lemon juice
0.5 teaspoon miso
Use organic ingredients where possible. Peel and slice the banana, slice the dates, grate the ginger and place all the ingredients in a high-powered blender. Blend until smooth and enjoy.
Nutritional Information
(approximate due to choice of base “milk”)
Calories 668
Sugars 48 g
Fat 29 g
Protein 19 g
Carbohydrates 97g
Fibre 15 g
Sodium 318 mg
Calcium 171 mg
Iron 6.5 mg