XTERRA Ontario 2016 opens for discounted registration

The countdown to the 2016 XTERRA Ontario race season has begun and the series is offering a special 20 per cent registration DISCOUNT only available until December 11th 11:59pm EST.***
- New registration system.
Triathlon Canada has been busy during the off season and have provided us with a new system. What does this do for you? While this system dramatically improves our handling of Triathlon Ontario’s Race Day Insurance and Membership the real significant change to you is a massive reduction in that annoying transaction fee of which they pass 100 per cent of that savings on to you.
- 2017 ITU WORLD Multi-sport Championships coming to Penticton BC Canada: This is a 10 day triathlon festival and right in the middle of it will be the World CROSS TRIATHLON CHAMPIONSHIPS – that’s right, finally an opportunity to compete at the worlds in our own backyard!
XTERRA ‘Mine’ Over Matter has been asked to be a National Qualifier for it this summer. We have submitted our application and will find out next month if we have been awarded this honor. More to come!
- XTERRA Pan American Tour – XTERRA ‘Mine’ Over Matter is honored to be selected to be a part of this new race series. Our stop will be classified as a ‘Silver’ level race which provides pro’s with a $7500 prize purse and amateurs with valuable points and an opportunity to race at the Tour Final in Utah USA.
- Additional Direct Entry spots to the XTERRA World Championships will be awarded to XTERRA ‘Mine’ Over Matter due to it’s inclusion in the Pan Am Tour. More information to come.
- We welcome back the Global Swim Series to the quarry at ‘Mine’ Over Matter: Open Water Swim Competition (1km and 2km options)
- National Qualifier, for the 2017 ITU World Cross Triathlon Championships in Penticton BC Canada.
National designations are still to be awarded by Triathlon Canada
Save 20% over Early Bird pricing until 11:59pm December 11th 2015
All prices include HST but not the Triathlon Ontario Race Day Fee
Just a reminder that these are off-road events designed for mountain bikes only. Sorry, no road bikes, hybrids or cyclocross bikes allowed.
For more info: www.elementracing.ca