Valley First Challenge Penticton announces changes for 2016

Valley First Challenge Penticton has announced changes to the 2016 event as Penticton prepares to host the ITU World Triathlon and Multisport Festival the following year. The 2016 Valley First Challenge Penticton will be run across one single distance; the world long-course championship distance of 3 km swim, 120 km bike and 30 km run. There remains both individual and relay events over the new format.
The 2016 edition of Valley First Challenge Penticton will be expanded to incorporate the Canadian cross-triathlon, duathlon and aquathon championships across a five-day festival. Each of the four national championships will act as a qualifying event for the respective world championship, which will be held the following year in Penticton. The 2017 ITU Triathlon and Multisport Festival is a 10-day event incorporating the world championships for four of the sports disciplines. The event is expected to attract as many as 4,000 athletes from across the globe.
“Our 2016 race will be the ultimate preparation event for athletes looking to race the world championships in Penticton just 12 months later,” said Michael Brown, co-race director, Valley First Challenge Penticton. “It will be an exciting week as thousands of athletes descend upon the city to test themselves on the world championship course and race other athletes for spots on the national team.”
“Triathletes coming to experience the legendary Valley First Challenge Penticton course bring economic activity to our community, which is a big part of our sports tourism strategy and a chance to showcase our region as a premier destination to invest, relax, train and play,” said Andrew Jakubeit, Penticton Mayor.
“Challenge Family’s first commitment is to the athletes, and this requires flexibility according to changing environments and markets,” said Zibi Szlufcik, CEO, Challenge Family. We’re delighted to support the Valley First Challenge Penticton team and the wonderful Penticton community in delivering a successful ITU world championships in 2017.”
from press release