Tyler Butterfield Signs Lifetime Contract with Cervélo

In an unprecedented move Cervélo announces a lifetime contract with two-time Olympian and long-course triathlete Tyler Butterfield. Having just won the bike heavy Abu Dhabi International Triathlon last Saturday, the fit seems ideal. Butterfield was a 2006 Commonwealth Games contender in cycling, after which he raced professionally on the bike in Europe and returned to triathlon, and started racing with in 2012.
“During negotiations with Cervélo, the team was stating their confidence about how I could win major races, and, of course, I wanted to believe them,” said Tyler Butterfield. “I was humbled in how they could have this much belief they had in me at the start. It was very motivating for me and made me start to think of myself that way a little too.”
“I’m not particularly motivated by money, prestige, or any of the normal things and maybe that’s why I haven’t won much before. However, it really motivates me when I feel like I’m doing it not just for me but for others too. That’s a part of the reason I went to cycling for a while- I really like being part of a team and enjoyed working for my team-mates more than trying to go for the win myself. Now, I feel like I’m working for my team again. It suits me having it set up like that so I have something to race hard for other than myself.”
The next long course race for Butterfield will be Ironman France in June.
“It’s not every day you are presented with an athlete like Tyler,” said Lesley Loughlin, Triathlon Marketing Manager at Cervélo. “His commitment, drive and passion for all he does in life is contagious. We are extremely proud that he is a part of our team. We will ensure he has the support, tools and fastest bike available to achieve all of his goals.”
“I am honored to commit to Cervélo with this lifetime contract,” said Butterfield. “There is no other bike on the market parallel to Cervélo. The aerodynamics, fit and precision are exceptional. Cervélo is at the top of innovation, and the team behind the brand are all incredibly supportive and helpful.”