There’s a new bike course for Ironman Canada 2019

For the second year in a row, Ironman Canada has tweaked the bike course in Whistler, BC. In 2017, the bike course made it’s way north through the town of Pemberton. However, after five years heading through Pemberton, the town told Ironman to change it up or move out. In 2018, the course changed – heading south on the and featuring the climb up Callaghan Valley and around Alta Lake.

Related: Ironman races in Canada: Road or tri bike?
Now in 2019, Ironman Canada has made a slight tweak to the course. The new route will now feature the full climb up Callaghan Valley road (like the 70.3 race in 2018) and a section farther south on Highway 99 to the bottom of Daisy Lake. These changes mean that the Ironman course will be two loops instead of three, and the 70.3 route will be one lap.

Related: Canada’s Ironman-branded bike courses
With the full Ironman course featuring over 2,400m of climbing, Ironman Canada in Whistler is one of the harder bike courses on the North American circuit.