The XTERRA/Ironman Double Contenders
McGlone and Watson to set to take part.
At the upcoming XTERRA World Championships (October 24th), a number of athletes will also be vying for the Hawaiian Airlines Double Award. Since 1998, Hawaiian Airlines has sponsored the “Double”, awarding cash and free flights to the pro and amateur men and women who race in both the Ironman World Championship and the XTERRA World Championship in the fastest combined time.
Eneko Llanos won the pro men’s Double last year with at total time of 11:15:17 (8:37:55 – Ironman, 2:37:22 – XTERRA). Amy Eck (15:12:58) from Kailua, Hawaii and Arnaud Bouvier (13:38:12) from France won the amateur awards.
A tentative list is below:
Eneko Llanos Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain MPro
Michi Weiss Vienna, Austria MPro
Tyler Butterfield Pembroke Parish, Bermuda MPro
Julie Dibens Bath, England WPro
Samantha McGlone Tucson, Arizona (CAN) WPro
Slater Fletcher Huntington Beach, California M30-34
Pierre Jander Weiden, Germany M30-34
Eric Kollai Kailua, Hawaii M30-34
Daniel Mannweiler Bonn, Germany M30-34
Eric Sullivan  Gunnison, Colorado M30-34
Pablo Ureta Fribourg, Switzerland M30-34
Raoul De Jongh Cape Town, South Africa M30-34
Thomas Vonach Schwarzach, Austria M35-39
Stephen DeWald Mililani, Hawaii M40-44
Richard Stoffel Zurich, Switzerland M40-44
Martin Leclaire Munich, Germany M40-44
Morgan Zbinden Fribourg, Switzerland M40-44
Mark Geoghegan Honolulu, Hawaii M45-49
Peter Wood La Jolla, California M65-69
Rachel Beckmann Beaverton, Oregon W25-29
Mindy Fernando Franklin, Michigan W30-34
Katy Rosane Eagle River, Alaska W45-49
Beverly Watson Alberta, Canada W55-59