Sweetland in great form heading into ITU Grand Final

Following a top 10 performance in Edmonton, Kristen Sweetland is roaring to go this weekend at the ITU Grand Final in Chicago. TMC’s Taylor Reid continues his pre-race interviews and chats with Kirsten Sweetland below.
Taylor Reid: Some of the women chose to skip Edmonton WTS and focus on the Grand Final. Why did you choose to race Edmonton it is so close to the Grand Final?
Kirsten Sweetland: Unfortunately I’ve missed most of the season due to illness so I really needed to get some races under my belt as well as some points. It’s also a home country event which hold a lot of importance in my books!
TR: You have been building through the year every race seems to get better. What are you goals for the Grand Final?
KS: Yes, I’ve been pleased with the progression. Chicago will be a deeper field than Edmonton but I’m going to give it my all for that selection!
TR: Will you be racing latter on in the year after Chicago?
KS: No, I’ll be finishing my season this weekend in Chicago.
TR: Do you have any pointers for the Age Groupers when it comes to setting up their transition or in transition?
KS: I always try to put my shoes on the side of my bike that is facing the exit. That saves some valuable time but you have to make sure you are on the correct side of your bike when you are running with it and racking it. Also, just keeping relaxed and calm generally saves a lot of time too.
TR: As a professional triathlete you get to see a lot of the world but most of the time it’s all business. If you could go back to a place where you have raced and take a vacation, were would that be?
KS: I am very fortunate in that way. I’ve seen a lot of the world and take notes about which places to go back and explore fully. I raced in Barbados a few years ago and I’d love to go back there for a holiday.