Should you attend a triathlon training camp this winter?

Getting bored of staying indoors for most of your workouts this winter? Canadian triathletes looking to escape the cold for a solid week of training should consider heading somewhere warm for a triathlon training camp. Here are four benefits of attending a tri camp this season.
Race-targeted training
Many triathlon camps target specific races. Tri clubs commonly host or head to training camps aimed towards the races their members are signed up for. Getting together with a larger group for an intense week of training will boost your confidence for the rest of the training season and get you even more excited for your race. If the camp has been running for a few years, it’s likely there will be returning campers who may be great resources to ask questions about the race you’re training for.
Meet people
A camp is a great way to meet new friends and training partners. Camps tend to attract triathletes from their director’s local tri community, though it’s not uncommon for triathletes from abroad to join as well. Use the week to learn from those around you, hear about others’ experiences in the sport and maybe even meet someone new to train with at home or next time you’re travelling.
Work your weaknesses
Do you want to work on hill-climbing on the bike? Do you need a well-rounded week of training in each discipline? Tri camps give you the opportunity to work your weaknesses in a challenging yet supportive setting. They’re aimed at helping each individual triathlete push themselves and develop their fitness under the guidance of a coach. A tri camp is a great place to seek specialized advice from an expert of the location. For example, if you’ve headed to a particularly hilly region, the coach will have all the best advice to get your climbing to your potential.
Tri camps include your accommodation, access to facilities, coaching and sometimes even your food all in one fee. If you want to spend a week training abroad, it’s a great way to simplify your itinerary so all you have to worry about is working hard while you’re there.