Race across the Wakefield Covered Bridge
During the weekend of May 3-5. Register by April 29.
Hundreds of runners, walkers and cycling enthusiasts will cross the historic bridges of Wakefield and Gatineau Park during the Weekend of May 3‐5 in the Municipality of La Pêche, Quebec. There is still time to register and join families from around the region in the Wakefield Covered Bridge Run and Bushtukah Duathlon. Registration closes April 29 at midnight.
A new Kick Off Party on the Wakefield Covered Bridge May 3rd will launch the weekend of events with live music, buffet dinner and a cash bar on the famous bridge.
Event Schedule:
May 3 – Black Sweater Kick Off Party on the Wakefield Covered Bridge (5:30 pm-9:30 pm)
May 4 – Wakefield Run
8:55am–The Aubin et Lacasse Pharmaciens 3 km Family Challenge
9:20am–5km run/walk
9:25am–21.1 km QUAD Buster Half Marathon Trail Run in Gatineau Park
10:30 am-Famille Charles IGA 10 km run/walk
May 5 – Bushtukah Duathlon (9km trail run, 30 km bike, 4 km road run)
REGISTRATION and EVENT INFORMATION: www.wakefieldrun.com