Pro Profile: Getting to Know John Rasmussen

Year of Birth: 1991
Coach: Craig Taylor
Education: McMaster University, Honours Kinesiology with a Minor in Biology
What distance in triathlon do you race? Olympic/Sprint
Where are you from? Ancaster, Ontario
When did you start racing triathlon as a professional?: The ITU Coteau du Lac Pan American Cup 2011
What was your first triathlon?: The Leamington Kids of Steel 2000
Do you have nick name?: Johnny Raz
What is your favourite colour?: Maple Red
If you had to listen to a song on repeat for a bike workout what would it be?: Bleed it out – Linkin Park, if it is a 2 hour workout I’m gonna be instantly fit by the end.
Who is your favorite superhero/heroine?: Batman
Still coming, memorable results:
7th Punta Guilarte CAMTRI Triathlon Premium American Cup 2015
4th Milwaukee Super Sprint Triathlon 2015
17th Huatulco ITU Triathlon World Cup 2014
5th Sarasota PATCO Sprint Championships 2014
Primary Sponsors:
ISM Saddles
CEP Compression