More on Edmonton’s ITU World Championship bid
Suitability of the swim course could be the deciding factor.
A few weeks ago we reported that the ITU (International Triathlon Union) requested that Edmonton bid to host the 2014 ITU World Championship Grand Final.
According to the Edmonton Journal, the city of Edmonton needs to examine Hawrelak Park’s murky lake to determine if it is suitable to host the ITU World Championship Grand Final and its full slate of events. The local community services committee recommended the $100 000 expense carry out this action.
“There’s basically three issues with the lake – the depth of it, the water quality and the length of the course,” said recreation facilities manager Rob Smyth, adding the 40-year-old clay liner might need to be replaced. “It’s a lot of potential cost and a lot of earth moving to dig it down deeper and line it with clay.”
This is not all about triathlon however, it seems like this bid is forcing the city of Edmonton to re-visit the issue of cleaning up the lake for a variety of recreational purposes.
Read more about the story at:
Hawrelak Park lake to be studied for suitability of hosting world triathlon championship