Michael Phelps competing in an Ironman? Turns out to be an “Inocentada”
Rumours of Michael Phelps' racing at Ironman Tulsa appear to be a practical joke

Over the last few days a few triathlon websites picked up what seemingly would have been a huge story – on Dec. 29 Mondo Triathlon reported that swim star Michael Phelps would be competing at Ironman Tulsa on May 23.
If you’re wondering why Ironman wouldn’t have been first to announce that news, the answer came earlier today when the site posted a follow up story, announcing that “Michael Phelps Sara Ironman? Una “Inocentada”!
“On December 28 (the day when the news appeared on the South American sites) the Dia de los Santos Inocentes is celebrated … in Spain and South American countries it is customary to celebrate the day of the ‘inocentada,’ the equivalent of our April fool,” today’s story says. “So, smiling and with great regret, we have to resign ourselves: no Phelps triathlete, at least for now … Maybe, in about fourt months there could be more updates … We’ll see.”
Part of the reason many were duped by the story could have been the fact that Phelps has said how much he enjoys cycling.
When asked about doing a triathlon, Phelps said that it was the run that was holding him back.
“If I could do a triathlon and not do the run, I would instantly do it,” he said.