Learn to foam roll to prevent shins splints, hamstring strain and key injuries

If you’re a triathlete who is hitting the roads several times a week to ride and run, proper recovery is everything. It’s not just getting in the mileage that matters but making sure to take care of the body in order to continue doing so. Part of that means adequate rest, nutrition and hydration. Another key component: stretching, massage and foam rolling. If you don’t already have a foam roller, investing in this piece of gear is one of the smartest things you can do for yourself. Then, you’ve got to learn how to use it. For that, we’ve got your back.
These videos below show how to prevent common injuries for triathletes. These include shin splits, calf strain, thigh, hamstring and glute injuries. As well, learn how to correct posture. In our visit to Barreworks Studio in Toronto, we had Matt Loiselle, one of Canada’s top runners, help demonstrate proper foam rolling technique.
Preventing shin splints and calf strain
For thigh, hamstring and gluteal strainÂ
Foam roll to prevent bad posture