Ironman Arizona goes on Sunday
Rapp, Zyemtsev, Bockel, Kienle, Harju, Wurtele, Kessler, Kraft, Danais, Gross, Phelan and others to race.
Ironman Arizona gets going this Sunday, and while it does not have the same buzz as it did last year, due to Chrissie Wellington’s participation and incredible performance (8:36:13), it is shaping up to be a fast and competitive day nonetheless.
Check out the professional start list below. We’ve bolded the notable racers to watch out for.
Professional Men
37 Abel Torsten
33 Albano Ivan
34 Amey Paul
11 Baradoy Leif
7 Bastie Christophe
36 Becker Blake
16 Berger Dominik
3 Bockel Dirk
22 Botelho Raymond
25 Boudreaux Chris
47 Brown Mac
4 Cartmell Fraser
55 Clode Peter
27 Daerr Justin
63 Dahlz John
41 Elliot Lewis
61 Gomes Pedro
14 Harju Dave CAN
19 Jaberg Patrick
21 Jensen Martin
64 Johnston Chad
67 Jurkiewicz Jeremy
32 Kelly Ryan
15 Kenny John
54 Kienle Sebastian
68 Kriegl Florian
65 Kunz Erich
23 Llanos Eneko
31 Macasieb Arland
29 Maclean Douglas
10 Major Jozsef
59 Marr Tim
58 Mikelson Ian
17 Milam Jared
45 Nemcik Nemcik
8 Neyedli Scott
60 Nitschke Christian
51 O’Donnell Tim
18 Paoli Stefano
44 Paul Jeff
52 Pawlaczyk Kyle
56 Piggin Olly
50 Poulat Stephane
69 Powell Andrew CAN
62 Raphael Jan
1 Rapp Jordan
53 Rau Ryan
49 Renko Max
6 Ressler Markus
24 Ruble Zach
5 Russell Matthew
46 Sanson Benjamin
9 Schifferle Mike
48 Schmid Stefan
38 Schmidt Christof
42 Sickl Heinrich
30 Simon Oliver
28 Snilstveit Gudmund
12 Taddonio Kevin
40 Toth Anthony CAN
57 Umphenour Joe
13 Vallant Rene
43 Vondracek Jesse
39 Waninger Nick
26 Ward Munoz Nicholas Peter
20 Weiss Michael
35 Wichert Chris
66 Wurtele Trevor CAN
2 Zyemtsev Viktor
Professional Women
76 Albertazzi Teri
74 Arendt Jackie
96 Bromme Uli
94 Calkins Kathleen
71 Cave Leanda
95 Collonge Jeanne
70 Corbin Linsey
78 Csomor Erika
92 Danais Marie CAN
75 Dietrich Susan
85 Donavan Jessie
81 Ferreira Amber
93 Garcia Whitney
98 Gregory Caroline
99 Gross Sara CAN
72 Kessler Meredith
87 Kozulina Tamara
80 Kraft Nina
83 Liljeblad Kelly
77 Madison Mackenzie
89 Phelan Donna CAN
91 Ribes Lisa
90 Rohrbach Regula
100 Smith Jessica
82 Spitler Erin
73 Stevens Amanda
101 Vesterby Michelle
97 Weerd Mirjam
86 Wernick Charisa
88 White Kristin
79 Williamson Kelly