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Ironman 70.3 racing resumes for 2012

Pucon kicks off the Ironman racing calendar.

The picturesque Ironman 70.3 Pucon gets going this coming Sunday in Chile where Italy’s Daniel Fontana will return to defend his title.

According to race organizers, there will be 900 participants from 18 countries around the world – Germany, Argentina, Austria, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Dominican Republic, England, Equator, USA, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, South Africa and Venezuela.

From the 900 participants, 531 of them will be Chilean (the country with the largest amount of athletes) but they will only have one national female competitor in the Elite Category, Valentina Carvallo, who will be competing against worldwide athletes such as Americans Heather Gollnick and Amanda Lovato.

Argentina is next with 173 competitors, and then Brazil with 90 athletes. One of them, Santiago Ascenço, has finished 2nd, 3rd and 4th in Pucon.

The race first took place in 1986, and many of triathlon’s greatest stars have taken part in the event. They include Mark Allen, Chris McCormack, Peter Raid, Cameron Widoff, Oscar Galindez, Eduardo Sturla, Paula Newby-Fraser, Lori Bowden, Heather Fuhr, and Lisa Bentley.

Participants per country:
Germany: 1
Argentina: 173
Austria: 1
Bolivia: 1
Brazil: 90
Canada: 4
Chile: 531
China: 1
Dominican Republic: 2
Equator: 3
Panama: 4
Paraguay: 2
Perú: 6
South Africa: 1
Switerland: 2
England: 2
USA: 20
Venezuela: 1

Check out the race website for more information.