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Five Easy DIYs for Triathletes

Did you know you can make useful triathlon equipment out of things you already have lying around the house? Buying gear for three different sports already means that costs add up quickly for triathletes. Save some money and get crafty with these five easy do-it-yourself tricks you’ll love.

Blue swimming cap and goggles

1) Anti-fog solution for goggles

There are several quick home remedies for fogging goggles. Two of the most surprising but effective solutions are baby shampoo and toothpaste. Just a small dollop of either in each lens will do the trick. Be sure to buff it in nicely with a towel, not your finger, so as not to leave scratches or excess product.

2) Ankle band for swimming

Did you know that one of the best ways to improve as a swimmer is to strengthen your stroke? Isolate your arms by incorporating an ankle band into your swimming. This is one of the easiest devices to make. Most triathletes have a spare punctured bike tube lying around from a recent flat tire and this is all you need. Loop it around your ankles once bicycle inner tubeor twice so its snug and you’re ready to go. Be careful when starting out with working on your stroke. To avoid putting too much load on your shoulders, start with something that will provide more buoyancy like a pull buoy and work your way up to sets with the ankle band.

3) Lace locks

Save time in T2 with this easy trick. Real running shoe lace locks can be be purchased at triathlon and running boutiques, but you may already have the supplies to make your own. The cord lock off any old jacket is all you need to make 314HEcKt5QLyour own. Use an old pair of laces in your shoes if you plan on saving your lace locks just for your race. Put your shoes on and slide a cord lock over each set of laces. Adjust to your comfort. Snip the ends of the laces and use a glue gun to merge them together. Next time you put your shoes on, you’ll just have to tighten your lace locks and you’re ready to race.

4) Race belt

Most triathletes use race belts to save time in transition zones and avoid piercing holes in clothing with safety pins. These quick and simple instructions will help you make your own.


5) Healthy energy gels

With ingredients you probably already have in your kitchen, you can make your own energy gels. This recipe is perfect for triathletes who are trying to avoid cherrychia_energygel-1024x680consuming processed ingredients. Tart cherries have anti-inflammatory properties and chia seeds act as the gel besides providing many essential nutrients.