ETU Long Distance Championships at Challenge Vichy
A new date - September 1, 2013.
Challenge Vichy will host the official ETU Long Distance Championships on September 1, 2013 and you can be a part of it, represent your country and enjoy the unique Challenge race atmosphere.
“After two very hot years, where it was very hard for us to organize in good conditions, we didn’t want to start a third race with the sword of Damocles over our head!” said Challenge Vichy race director, Gael Mainard. “We have looked at statistics from Météo France to see what time would be the best for a race with the sun … but not in the heat. The choice fell on the last weekend of August,  on average over the last 10 years, it’s 5°C cooler in this period. This should also allow us to finally have cooler water in the Lac d’Allier so it can be a wetsuit swim. This new date will also help us to secure more volunteers and also provide more accommodation options for athletes as it is out of the main French holiday period.”
Challenge Vichy’s swim benefits from between city’s two bridges that cross the Allier River making it easily accessible to spectators to see all the action.
The 180km bike takes competitors through the forest before emerging with a breathtaking view of the Auvergne volcanoes and countryside with its iconic wheat fields and sunflowers.
Finally, the predominantly flat run goes between the City parks and along the banks of the Allier River.
Sign up also for the 2nd  Vichy Half Triathlon on the same day (September 1, 2013) and same race course.
For further information, please visit