Drafting Cards required
Ontario Elites, U23 and Juniors take note.
With the season soon on the horizon, many of you draft legal racers need to get your qualifications in order to ensure that you are able to race.
For Ontario’s Elites, Under 23, and Junior athletes who plan on racing in draft legal events, you need to have a Drafting Card.
Those previously cleared to race draft legal must renew their existing card, and cards will be renewed for a period of 3 seasons.
If you need to get a card, any athlete aged 14 or older as of December 31 of the competition year may apply for a drafting card and athletes may qualify for a new card athlete in one of two ways:
1. They must participate in an approved drafting workshop or
2. Athletes must be evaluated by an NCCP certified Level 2 (Comp Intro) Cycling Coach
All applications must be sent to the OAT office at 205 – 3 Concorde Gate, North York, M3C 3N7. And you must allow a minimum of 30 days for processing.
Visit OAT for more details.
Athletes from provinces other than Ontario need to check with those provincial governing bodies.