Challenge Maceio, Brazil Announced

The Challenge Family race series adds a second South American event in Brazil. The half distance Challenge Maceió at Pajuçara Beach will take place on August 23, 2015. The flat, fast course is expected to be another record breaking event for the series.
Surrounded by beautiful beaches, Maceió is the capital of the state Alagoas and the main city of the region. To the north are stunning beaches, names by Travel & Leisure Magazine as the most beautiful secret beaches in the world. To the south are more beautiful views of the beach of Gunga and the canyons of the São Franscico River.
Taking place at the end of the Brazilian winter, the swim should be calm and clear in a sheltered bay by reefs. The bike course takes place mostly on a fast flat highway alongside the shoreline, crossing farms of coconut trees. The run course traverses the beaches of Pajuçara, Ponta Verde and Jatiúca and benefits partly from the shade of coconut groves before heading through the city.
Antonio Moura, the Secretary of Sports of Maceió, explains, “The Challenge Family is very welcome to Maceió, because we believe we possess the ideal conditions to deliver the race and the event will be a watershed for our city, definitely putting Maceió in the roadmap of the biggest international sports competitions.”
Both Challenge Maceio and Challenge Florianopolis will be qualifiers for the 2016 championships.
Registrations for the inaugural Challenge Maceió opened on November 29, 2014.