Challenge Family heads to Brazil this weekend

This weekend Challenge Family takes on in Latin America with the inaugural Challenge Florianopolis. Over 1,500 athletes from all over the world travelling to the ‘Magic Island’ including a strong pro field of over 40 elite athletes. The flat fast course should see among the fastest times over the half iron distance.
Chris McCormack, a Challenge Family ambassador insists: “ Having Challenge races in Latin America is a dream coming true. Florianópolis is an impressive destination and the race course will encourage the athletes to compete to their limits, while they race against the clock and their rivals”.
The event’s Brazilian ambassador, triathlete Fernanda Keller also praised the new event. “Challenge is an event that I participated since its beginning in Germany. We need more such events in Brazil. Here people think we do not have many triathletes, but the evidence is the inscriptions are sold out in a few minutes. There is still plenty of room for races in Brazil and I’m glad there are great new events coming up”.
Challenge Florianopolis caters to the entire family, including offering side events for women only and children from 7 to 12 years old. The Challenge Women and Junior Challenge will happen on Saturday, the day before the big race.
The Junior Challenge will encourage physical activity among children and adolescents, even encouraging triathlon as a healthy lifestyle. Divided into two categories (7 to 9 years, 10 to 12 years), its course will be: 150 m of swim, 1 km cycling and 500 m running and 150 m swim, 2 km cycling and 800 m running respectively.
The Challenge Florianópolis will also reward top performers with registrations to two major events of the series Challenge Family: Challenge Family Roth 2015 (4 slots for Elite and 2 to the age groups) and Challenge Almere and Amsterdam (24 slots for the age groupers).
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