A horse hit in UK triathlon
The incident raises more significant concerns about triathlete etiquette.

First reported by the BBC news.
On Sunday, June 17th a horse was hit by passing triathletes taking part in the Windsor Triathlon in the United Kingdom.
The rider, Jennifer Katherine took to FaceBook posting a video of the hit. Following the incident, the horse took off spooked by the event.
The race organizers are looking into the incident, assuring the rider those responsible would be disqualified.
This event, however, raises more significant concerns about triathlete etiquette. There are rules of the road that triathletes need to follow, such as the yellow line rule. But, there is also rules of the road with other triathletes, such as calling your pass.
Let this event be a reminder of the rules of the road. Let’s be safe on the roads as we train and race this summer.